Phillips Lytle’s Workplace Health and Safety Attorneys have extensive experience representing clients dealing with the OSHA and other related local, state and federal agencies.
Contact UsPhillips Lytle has extensive experience representing clients dealing with the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and other related local, state and federal agencies.
We provide proactive advice to minimize the risk of OSHA citations and ways to prepare and respond to OSHA inspections. When OSHA visits our clients, we defend OSHA inspections, investigations, violations and challenges to warrants. We work to resolve matters and, if necessary, litigate both civil and criminal proceedings before the Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission (OSHRC) and in state and federal courts. Frequently, we will handle parallel or multiple criminal and administrative/civil investigations and litigations stemming from a single workplace incident. Our experience extends from minor violation matters to significant litigation before the OSHRC.
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