
We represent not-for-profit organizations ranging from small startups to large, established institutions.

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Extensive Experience in Counseling Not-For-Profit Organizations

Not-for-profit organizations face significant challenges, from recent changes in, and ongoing compliance with, New York’s Not-for-Profit Corporation Law to declining government funding to increased competition for private philanthropy.

Phillips Lytle’s Not-For-Profit Team takes an interdisciplinary approach to counseling our not-for-profit clients on these challenges. Our team includes attorneys with experience in advising not-for-profit organizations on formation, structure, governance, directors’ and officers’ liability insurance and indemnification, tax, tax exemption applications, executive compensation, labor and employment, tax-exempt bond financing, litigation, leases, real estate and asset acquisitions and sales, joint ventures, mergers, consolidations and dissolutions.

Phillips Lytle’s attorneys have many years of experience working with charitable, cultural, service-oriented, educational and health care organizations, as well as social welfare organizations and trade or business associations. We represent not-for-profit organizations ranging from small startups to large, established institutions. Our attorneys have practical first-hand knowledge of the not-for-profit world from their active leadership roles serving on a broad range of not-for-profit boards.

Our Not-For-Profit Team has worked with, and provided successful representation to, hundreds of not-for-profits.

Representative Experience

  • Advised on the merger of two social services organizations and the sale of assets of one social services organization to another.
  • Advised on the affiliation of two not-for-profit hospital systems.
  • Counseled on the restructuring of a scientific research organization.
  • Represented colleges and hospital systems on tax-exempt bond financing.
  • Advised a hospital system on the acquisition and construction of its new administrative headquarters.
  • Advised a museum and museum foundation in connection with a proposed merger or dissolution.
  • Regularly handle forming not-for-profit corporations seeking to become foundations and tax-exemption applicable.

We also counsel numerous organizations on revisions to their governing documents to comply with recent changes in New York’s Not-for-Profit Corporation Law.

Members of the Phillips Lytle Not-For-Profit Team provide board training on governance and other issues facing not-for-profits. In collaboration with a New York State Charities Bureau official, team members presented a program on governance and recent changes in New York law to nearly 200 board members in Western New York. In addition, our attorneys regularly speak about governance and tax matters of interest to not-for-profit organizations and industry associations throughout the community.

Meet Our Not-For-Profit Team

Sharon Prise Azurin Partner
Kelly E. Marks Partner
Philip C. Barth IV Senior Associate
F. Kenneth Graham Partner
Joseph P. Heins Special Counsel
Tristan D. Hujer Partner
William P. Keefer Partner, Governing Committee
David H. Kernan Of Counsel
Timothy Kucinski
Timothy P. Kucinski Partner
Timothy P. Moriarty Partner
Eoin Ó Muimhneacháin (Moynihan) Associate
Louis Reynlods
Louis Q. Reynolds Associate
Dorothy Shuldman
Dorothy E. Shuldman Associate
Lisa Smith
Lisa L. Smith Partner
James Smyton
James W. Smyton Of Counsel
Meet the Team

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