Representative Experience as Underwriters’ Counsel
Some of the types of transactions in which Phillips Lytle attorneys have served as underwriters’ counsel include:
- Highway and bridges trust fund revenue bonds issued by a state highway authority.
- Airport revenue bonds issued by a regional transportation authority in connection with an international airport.
- The initial issuance of a taxable securitization financing program for a state agency issuer involving the securitization of business development loans.
- Revenue bond transactions to finance solid waste and resource recovery facilities, affordable housing facilities, utility projects, manufacturing facilities and not-for-profit projects.
- Tax-exempt project finance transactions to finance water and waste facilities owned by local public authorities.
- The initial public offering on the credit of a not-for-profit corporation to provide it with facilities to evaluate, treat and house distressed juveniles.
- Revenue bonds issued to finance a sports coliseum project, which involved the participation of a private operator in a publicly owned facility.
- The issuance of industrial development bonds secured by project revenues of a privately owned airport hotel, such bonds representing the initial public offering for such credit and issued on an unrated basis.
- Revenue bonds issued to finance the construction of charter school facilities.